“Is There One ‘Left-Brain’ & Another ‘Right-Brain’?” (1)
Two Brain Hemispheres Very Good Connected
Two Brain Hemispheres Very Good Connected
The brain is made up of neuronal networks, it has functional areas that interact among themselves, and it is composed of Left and a Right Hemispheres. Each hemisphere is more specialised in certain fields than in others.
Do these facts justify the strange statements to be heard in everyday life, such as: “me, I’m more “Left-Brained””? or “women have a more developed “Right Brain”?”, Is there really a right “brain” and a left “brain”?
A rapid overview of the origin of these terms is needed to determine whether they correspond to facts, or if it is again a matter of questionable extrapolations of scientific data.
But to begin with, it needs to be underlined that the two hemispheres are not separate functional and anatomic entities: nerve structures connect them together (the Corpus Callosum) and many neurons have their cell nucleus in one hemisphere and extensions in the other.

This alone should prompt reflection.
Lateralization of Brain Function:
It has been said that the “Left Brain” is the seat of rational thinking, intellectual thinking, analysis, and speech. It also processes numerical information deductively or logically. It dissects the information by analysing, distinguishing, and structuring the parts of a whole, by linearly arranging the data.
The left hemisphere is the best equipped to deal with tasks related to language (writing and reading), algebra, mathematic problem-solving, logical operations. Thus, it can be believed that people who are rational, intellectual, logical, and have a good analytical sense “Preferentially Use their ‘LeftBrain’” and tend to be mathematicians, engineers, and researchers”.

The “Right Brain” has been called the seat of intuition, emotion, non-verbal thinking, synthetic thinking, which allows representations in space, creation, and emotions. It tends to synthesise, recreates three-dimensional forms, notices similarities rather than differences, and understands complex configurations. It recognises faces and perceives spaces.
From this stems the Complementary Myth that people who are intuitive, emotional, imaginative, and easily find their way around, “Preferentially Use their ‘Right Brain’” and engage in the artistic and creative professions”.

However, despite the relative location of highest cerebral functions in the brain, it is always necessary to remember that this is One Brain with Two Hemispheres that are usually very well connected...

"Understanding the Brain", The Birth of a Learning Science, 2007, page 114

The Corpus Callosum Connects the Two Haves of the Brain

Lateralization of Brain Function:

The “Right Brain” has been called the seat of intuition, emotion, non-verbal thinking, synthetic thinking, which allows representations in space, creation, and emotions. It tends to synthesise, recreates three-dimensional forms, notices similarities rather than differences, and understands complex configurations. It recognises faces and perceives spaces.

However, despite the relative location of highest cerebral functions in the brain, it is always necessary to remember that this is One Brain with Two Hemispheres that are usually very well connected...

"Understanding the Brain", The Birth of a Learning Science, 2007, page 114
(To be continued...)
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