"Understanding the Brain", The Birth of a Learning Science, 2007, page 74
Take Care of your Children's Sleep
An early study showed that one night’s complete sleep loss had similar effects in children aged 11-14 years to those previously shown in adults (Carskadon, Harvey and Dement, 1981). Partial sleep restriction was found to lead to some impaired cognitive functions. Routine performance, on the other hand, was maintained even after one full night’s sleep restriction (Randazzo et al., 1998). Shorter sleep duration has been demonstrated to lead to poorer performance on short-term memory tasks (Steenari et al., 2003).
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have reported associations between children’s sleep disturbances and various psychological symptoms, including depression and behavioural problems (Morrison, McGee and Stanton, 1992; Chervin et al., 1997; Dagan et al. 1997; Corkum, Tannock and Moldofsky, 1998; Dahl, 1998; Marcotte et al., 1998; Aronen et al., 2000; Smedje, Broman and Hetta, 2001).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychological disorder in which sleep disturbance frequently occurs. Several studies have reported increased rates of sleep problems among children with ADHD (Chervin et al., 1997; Marcotte et al., 1998; Stein, 1999; Owens et al., 2000a). Children with ADHD, compared with the control children, have higher parent-reported bedtime resistance, sleep-onset problems, sleep-related anxiety, daytime sleepiness, parasomnias and shorter sleep duration (Owens et al., 2000b).

Certain environmental factors have also been shown to be related to sleep disturbances. For example, high quantities of televisionviewing, particularly at bedtime, have adverse effects on sleep (Owens et al., 2000a). Moreover bedtime resistance (Blader et al., 1997; Smedje, Broman and Hetta, 1998) as well as sleeping in the same bed as parents have been correlated with sleep-onset problems (Lozoff, Wolf and Davis, 1984; Madansky and Edelbrock, 1990; Latz, Wolf and Lozoff, 1999).
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have reported associations between children’s sleep disturbances and various psychological symptoms, including depression and behavioural problems (Morrison, McGee and Stanton, 1992; Chervin et al., 1997; Dagan et al. 1997; Corkum, Tannock and Moldofsky, 1998; Dahl, 1998; Marcotte et al., 1998; Aronen et al., 2000; Smedje, Broman and Hetta, 2001).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychological disorder in which sleep disturbance frequently occurs. Several studies have reported increased rates of sleep problems among children with ADHD (Chervin et al., 1997; Marcotte et al., 1998; Stein, 1999; Owens et al., 2000a). Children with ADHD, compared with the control children, have higher parent-reported bedtime resistance, sleep-onset problems, sleep-related anxiety, daytime sleepiness, parasomnias and shorter sleep duration (Owens et al., 2000b).

Certain environmental factors have also been shown to be related to sleep disturbances. For example, high quantities of televisionviewing, particularly at bedtime, have adverse effects on sleep (Owens et al., 2000a). Moreover bedtime resistance (Blader et al., 1997; Smedje, Broman and Hetta, 1998) as well as sleeping in the same bed as parents have been correlated with sleep-onset problems (Lozoff, Wolf and Davis, 1984; Madansky and Edelbrock, 1990; Latz, Wolf and Lozoff, 1999).
"Understanding the Brain", The Birth of a Learning Science, 2007, page 74
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